Friday, February 15, 2013

Sewing machine update + two new cons!

Good news! The sewing machine is back up and working right. I've lost about two days before of it but now that it is working I'll be sewing tomorrow. I have one side of the collar to sew and then I can sew on the collar. After that all I need to do to the coat is iron on the interfacing on the last panel (The last panel is a hidden on that will have the velcro on it) and then sew it on. Not too much to do! 

After that I'll be starting on the last piece which is Caterina's dress. Since I already have the under skirt done I only need to sew the bodice and the outer skirt of the dress as well as a custom collar. While I'm doing all this I'm also starting on the armor pieces. For Abel's armor plates for his sleeves, I'm using craft foam, warming it up to shape it, coating it in Mod Podge and then Gesso for texture and lastly gold paint. Since the foam is thin I'll hand sew the armor plates onto the sleeves. The best thing about Mod Podge is the fact it is waterproof so the foam will be safe up in Seattle if it happens to rain (The last two times we've been it hasn't rained! So hopefully it wont happen)

Two new cons?

Yes. You read right. 

Faerie Worlds is a convention that my fiance and I have been wanting to go to for some time now.
 Not to get confused with Faeriecon, this is more of a Pagan/medieval/fay convention. We wont have any big costumes for this event. I'm hoping if we have time and money to do something Mori.

Mori for those who don't know is a lolita style. Its very fairytale/wood/faerie style. Its very cute and comfortable looking. Here is a link with more info.



Steam-con is up in Seattle very close to Sakura-con but luckily is in October. Not sure if we'll be able to go to this one since we'll have to stay in Seattle for it. But if we both get new jobs and have enough money we might go! Plus my fiance has a friend that goes so it'll be fun for him to see his childhood friend. 

So there will be four cons on our plates this year! It should be pretty exciting! 

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