Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Costume contest update

Just got an email telling me they received our app and if one more person drops out or does not show on time for the pre-meet we are in! I'm hoping it will be before the pre-met so our spot is firmly in place but I'll be fine with either as long as we are able to walk across the stage!

We'll be entering as Black Cat Cosplay! So happy I finally have a reason to use this blog's name. The idea behind it is pulled from our kitty, Alphonse. He's our team mascot.


We'll be entering the two Trinity Blood costumes I've been working on. This gives me the boast to finally finish Abel's coat. I have the craft foam for the metal plates so I think tomorrow we'll work on those and finish the coat. Then start on my dress and then once all that sewing is finished I can finally work on the details (Buttons, trim, lace.) And figure out what to do for Abel's belts. We might just take a trip to Goodwell to find those tomorrow too. I'm kicking it into gear now that we have a high chance of being in the contest.

We'll also start practice for our stage walk. We have about 1:30 and I'm thinking at least three-four poses to show off the full costumes.

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