Friday, February 8, 2013

Cosplay Contest

So since this is the first time I've made cosplay costumes I decided early on that I wanted to enter my first cosplay contest. The contest deadline is March 10. But the list sure did fill up quickly. So we decided to hurry up and fill out the app. We picked out a song, Dress by Buck Tick (Trinity Blood remix), got the refs and sent the progress pics. I'm super excited and writing about this because someone dropped out and the only person on the waiting list was bumped up. 

Although I'm not sure if there are anymore waiting on the list since the person in charge of it has computer issues, but if there aren't that means my fiance and I are now the only ones on the waiting list. And if one more person drops we are in! It may not be much to be excited about but it means we're closer to being in the contest and I really want to have that experience. It makes all my hard work worth it whether I win or not, I really think walking across stage and having everyone see my creations would be plenty. 

So I'm going to work hard on finishing the costumes so I can be ready in case we are able to enter the contest. It'll really give us the full con experience so I'm looking forward to entering more. But one thing I've realized is enter early! Whether your costumes are done or not. You can always remove your entry if you can't finish on time. I'm guessing that's what happening with the list I'm on. 

That is one thing about cons you always need to remember.

Plan ahead!  

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