Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 2 without a sewing machine

Not happy. Not happy at all. I wont go into details. No one cares or reads this anyway. But the damn thing still isn't working right. The stitch is all off. Even though its been cleaned it still is having issues. Seeing as it is over 25 years old, I'm not too surprised but still....its driving me crazy! Why does all this crap have to happen to us right before the con? We NEED this trip, this break away from reality. So much stress and just plain crap has been happening. Surely I'll go insane if I can't go. This is just the icing on the cake. I'm almost done with Abel's coat. Haven't even started on Caterina's dress....

We just bought some more supplies for the armor pieces which I might start making tonight. I don't know what else to say. I'm so very pissed right now. I'm to the point I just want to throw in the towel and be done with this. I wish hand sewing was an option and it may be for Abel's coat but since nothing is done on Caterina's dress there is no way I can get it done on time.

I'm ready to flip some tables.

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