Monday, February 25, 2013

Posing (Picture Heavy)

As a cosplayer I always aim to improve. And one thing I am lacking badly at is posing for pictures during cons and at photoshoots. I get stiff, nervous and over think. But the best thing about when I cosplay is...I'm not alone! Using my fiance to produce poses together is a lot easier than if I am to pose alone. We use each other to help get into character, which helps get rid of that awkward nervousness.

A lot of new cosplayers have issues with posing as well, I can always see it on their faces when they are stopped randomly to get their picture taken. I'm going to post this with a ton of helpful links that I'm reading and using to better myself and that you might find helpful as well.

I'll also add a few pictures of posing charts. These will be credited to their rightful owner with the original link of course.


~ Great info and ideas. She points out a very good fact. Do not pose in front of a mirror. If you really want to improve your posing, get someone to take pictures of you while posing. This way you can see what looks good on film and what doesn't.

~Don't know where to began! I LOVE this little guide. The pictures she's posted are super helpful and easy to understand. I really enjoyed how used a book to practice her posture which is very important for a good picture. I suggest trying it! I'm going to.

~Another one of my all time favorites. Seriously so helpful.

~Some useful tips.

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