Tuesday, February 19, 2013

30 day cosplay challenge....in one day.

The 30 day cosplay challenge is from Tumbler, I however do not go on that site nor will I remember to post one of these each day for 30 days. There is just too much cosplay work going on for me to remember to post everyday so I'll save time and just post it all right now!

1. Your first cosplay.

Sharon Rainsworth from Pandora Hearts. This was one of the first pictures I had taken of me wearing the cosplay. I adore cosplaying as Sharon. 

2.How many costumes have you done?

2 done. With 2 new ones on the way. I sold the Sakura cosplay and replaced it with Yuuko. I'm currently making Caterina and Abel's costumes.

Total: 4

With many more to come!

3. Your most recent cosplay.

Sakura from Tsubasa worn at Kumori-con 2012. I cannot explain my hatred for this costume. The outfit was beautiful! But I'll never wear short wigs again....

4. Your cosplay communities, where do you go to talk about cosplay?

I mainly go on DeviantArt, as well as Cosplay.com and Sakura-con/Kumori-con websites, I do have account for WorldCosplay as well. I mainly post my updates on this blog and DA though.

5. Blatant self plug! Link us to your cosplay page, be it dA, ACP, Coscom, whatever!

6. Your favorite cosplay (that you have done)

Sharon from Pandora Hearts for sure! I love prancing about in the big hoop skirt. The wig is painful because of the clip on ponytail but I adore this cosplay and character. My fiance often calls me "The Duchess" Because of this cosplay.

Its a very easy cosplay to wear and put on. The only downside is the fabric is hard to wash so I try my hardest on not getting it dirty. I've been updating this cosplay since we bought it a few years ago. This may be the last year I wear this outfit, for I might make Sharon a new dress this fall.

7. The character you have cosplayed that is most similar to you (if none that you have cosplayed, then one that you will cosplay)

Sharon for sure. I believe that is why I enjoy cosplaying her so much. She may look innocent and delicate but there is a strong side to her. She's willing to venture out and try her best to take care of those she cares about. And when she needs someone she has Break to depend on. She's smart and awesome when drunk, hello queen complex! 

8. Your cosplay plans for the rest of the year (if you have no more for this year, then do next year!)

For our largest con of the year and first of the season, we are bringing two new  cosplays, Yuuko and Watanuki and Caterina and Abel.  I'm very excited for this con and to be able to wear these new cosplays!

Fall, we're keeping it simple. Two more hand made cosplays. Just new outfits to replace our default outfits for our Pandora Hearts cosplay. We'll be on a panel this year so we want to look our best!

9. The dream cosplay that might just happen

Since my sewing skills are improving and I'm more comfortable working with the machine and reading patterns, these might just happen in the next few years.

1. Seth/Augusta (Trinity Blood) 
Will take a full year to complete.

2.  Lacie (Pandora Hearts)
3. Ozma (Return to Oz)
4.Dinah and Vincent (Bizneghast)

10. The dream cosplay that will never happen

I love this outfit worn by Dinah from Bizenghast. Sadly I just can't even began to think of how to make it. All those details...I love the color scheme and how the skulls are blended in with the "prettiness" but I just don't think I can tackle all those details. I wouldn't even know where to began on how to create them. But I can dream...

11. Something cosplay-related that you will never do (eg. crossplay, cosplay from a certain series)

No tight bodysuits! Don't have the body for it, even if I did I wouldn't. 
No short school girl outfits! Sorry Saya....that skirt is WAY too short. I'm overly modest.
No young character. Tried Sakura...didn't work out.
Facial hair. 'nuff said.

12. Your cosplay idol.

Shushuwafflez is one of my favorite cosplayers! Her attention to details and passion for this hobby is amazing. She's also my favorite Seth cosplayer! I admire her greatly and her cosplays really inspire me to imrpove and grow as a cosplayer. Check out her DA (Linked above) Her work is great!

13. Your cosplay specialty (ie. something that seems to apply to a large amount of your cosplays, it could be a specific series, or 
a common feature in their appearance, such as glasses)

1. Little details
Details are everything to me when cosplaying. For Sharon's dress I added on golden beads on the ribbon as seen on the manga cover. Whether its the shoes or the right colors I try to focus on the smaller details that most people skip over.

2.Wigs and contacts
Maybe its because I have bad version but I always have to have contacts for cosplay. It makes the costume whole. You can't avoid looking at a camera or hiding your eyes. They are using make-up. It only enhances the costume. Wigs as well. I can't stand a off colored wig or cheap Halloween wigs. I'm always careful about using the right types, styles and colors. A lot of good cosplayers do this too so maybe it isn't a specialty.

3. Hoop skirt!
Love this thing. I try to be historially correct for cosplays like Sharon and Caterina. That means BIG fluffy skirts. They are so fun to swish around in. They may seem a bit...daunting at first but they are easy to wear, sit in and walk in. Plus they make the dresses so full! I try to use it as much as I can.

14. Your cosplay-making habits (eg. singing while working on cosplay)

I love to listen to music or watch TV/movies while working on cosplay and props. It makes the time go by quickly and before I know it I'm all done. Some times when I'm trying to inspire myself I'll go online and watch videos from other cons. Coffee....coffee is the key to getting things done quickly for me. Yum! Yum!

 15. Your least favorite thing about cosplay

Taking breaks or going back to the hotel room to eat. I feel as if I'm missing something. Like the huge con is going on and I'm sitting in my hotel room where no one can see my cosplay and where I can't see theirs. I also HATE sleeping in. Which is strange because I'm not a morning person but when people do want to sleep in I always feel the need to rush to get into the con space because I hate feeling as if I am missing something. 

16. Do you belong to any cosplay groups?  If so, what are they?

Black Cat Cosplay. Its not really a group. Just my fiance and I. We decided on the name a while back (Hence the title of this blog) We'll be using this name for when we entering cosplay contests at cons. 

17. What events have you cosplayed to?

We attend Sakura-con in the spring (March-April) and Kumori-con in the fall (September). We'll also be going to FaerieWorlds in the summer but will not be cosplaying. We may attend Steamcon as well this year but that has yet to be decided. 

 18. What is your best cosplay memory?

When Ger from Breaking All The Rules interviewed my fiance and I for her book. Although we may not be in the book it was awesome talking to her. That Kumori-con was the best con so far. We had good time after good time. We spent the weekend with friends (Sadly no longer friends) and shared nothing but laughter and made memories I will forever hold dear. 

19. What is your worst cosplay memory?

We were at our second con and were in the hall, trying to fix my wig which was having major issues. Our photo shoot was in about half an hour and I was panicking. I guess someone was calling my fiance's character's true name and we didn't hear them. Later at the shoot this person was very cold and rude towards us, believing that we SHOULD have stopped what we were doing, and talked to them. If I would have heard them all we would have said is "Hi." or waved so I really don't understand why they made such a fuss about it when we didn't even know them. It made our first photo shoot awkward and they tried their hardest to make the shoot bad for us. We wound up in three or four pictures. And our characters were ignored. Not a good start. Luckily I haven't seen this person at the meet-ups anymore.

20. Have you won any cosplay awards?

Not yet! We are on the waiting list for our first cosplay contest right now! Hopefully we are able to enter it by the time the con comes around because I've been working hard on these new costumes.

21. Show us your best cosplay derp photo!

Our friend took this of us while we sat in a hall. We weren't paying attention and look silly.

22. Have you worn cosplay in a regular situation? (eg. at school, to work)

Not yet. I would have when I was back in high school but I wasn't cosplaying at the time.

23. Your most expensive cosplay

Since we normally buy two cosplays at a time (One for me and one for my fiance) they come about to the same price. Although I'm pretty sure our handmade costumes are the most expensive so far.

24. Your most comfortable cosplay and most uncomfortable cosplay

Each cosplay has something uncomfortable about them. The shoes to Sharon's are made weird and hurt my toes like no other, and her wig with the clip on ponytail sucks. The dress is very comfortable and easy to wear though. Sakura's outfit was by the worst because it was in pieces and would not stay together! I don't know about my two new ones yet. But we'll find out soon!

25. The cosplay you put the most effort into

Most defiantly our handmade Trinity Blood costumes. I've been slaving away on these for months. I'm trying to add as much detail as I can and making it look just like the picture I post at #25. I really want these to look good and not like they are my first cosplays I've ever made. So if we are in the contest people will be surprised by my work and will remember my cosplays.

26. Any unfinished costumes?  Will you ever finish them?

Our TB cosplays are still being made. So they are unfinished but will be worn either for Sakura-con or Kumori-con. 

27. How many wigs do you own? Which is your favorite?

-Picture to come-

Owned-6  (Including my fiance's)
~Lolita wig

With two on the way (Watanuki, Abel)

28. Where do you work on your cosplays and where do you store them when they’re done?

I work on props downstairs on my desk and sewing and such upstairs in the dinning room. 

All cosplays are stored in my closet in garment bags. The bags are HUGE so I can store their props in with them as well. Since my fiance's mom likes to mess and throw out cosplay stuff we keep them at my house where no one besides me touches them. I'm over-protective. 

 29. What is your favorite cosplay item? (eg. a pair of shoes, a wig)

My hoop skirt! This thing is amazing! And it makes all my dresses look very large in charge. I'll also be wearing it for my Caterina cosplay and boy does it make the underskirt I made look good.

Plus its fun to walk in and sit in. 

30. Describe cosplay in three words.  No more, no less.

Fun. Creative. Rush

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