Thursday, February 7, 2013

49 days

Haven't posted on here for a while. Been very busy. Yes, that number I wrote is correct. Only 49 days left until the con and I'll  be honest when I say I'm nervous. Besides trying to find work and sewing my butt off, I'm working on two props. We should have waited to bring in a new cosplay to replace Sakura but its a bit too late now. Yuko should be on her way soon. Her prop was easy to make. I plan on doing a make over for Emily too but may not have time to get that done.

Emily before her make over.

Abel's coat is almost done! The collar and the last panel need to be sewn once that is done, I'm finished with the basic body of the coat. Then starts the real challenge, starting on Caterina's outer dress. The petticoat is done! I finished the second layer of lace last night! It turned out just as I had wanted it to. I'm very pleased. I love hand sewing so that was rather enjoyable.

My fiance was kind enough to buy me some beautiful Venice lace. I've decided to add this onto the sleeves of Caterina's dress, a way for me to add my own touch to her outfit. The lace is soft and delicate with roses. I adore it. It will really add the finishing touches to the outfit. But first I have to finish the coat and start the dress. I'm hoping I can finish both of those before the con so I have enough time to do the details such as the armor plates, trim, and Abel's belts.

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