Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cosplay plans for fall and 2014

Since our Spring cosplays are already set in stone I've been thinking about what to do for Fall. We have two main cons we go to. But since we've done so much work already with two new cosplays we've been thinking of doing only one new thing for our fall con. And that will most likely be two new outfits for our Break and Sharon cosplays. Which hopefully don't take me forever to make. Once Sakura-con goes by I'll have to start working on them asap.

The outfits are yet to be chosen but stayed tuned for that post, we'll choose soon. But that leaves the question, what about next year? I'm thinking/hoping this will be the year my fiance and I get married so again we'll need to do only one cosplay for us both in order to save money and since we'll already have three new cosplays it's better only to add one more.

So we've talked it over and are guessing that for 2014 I'll be making my first dream cosplay....SETH! Seth from Trinity Blood is very details and although she has many outfits most of them are very large in charge. So it'll take a full year for me to get that project done anyway, this is the perfect time to get it done or at least start on it.

My fiance has yet to decide whether he'll do Abel again (Crusnik version, wings included!) or Cain. He might chose another character from the series since he said he's for sure doing a TB character along with my Seth but he's yet to pick on. Either way I'm pretty sure I'll be making large wings....

I'm still working hard on getting our current TB costumes made. We have thirty some days before the costume contest closes, so I'm hoping to get them done by then or at least fully made so I can add the details after otherwise we have until the end of March. Either way I have tons of sewing to do. My mom is ill right now (Nothing serious, just the flu) and is unable to help me at the moment since I've never made sleeves or messed around with interfacing and fabric (Sounds wrong...) so I have to wait until she's well enough to help me. I'm hoping I can get these done and entered before March 10th so I have a good chance at being able to enter the contest. There aren't many spots this year....

So wish me luck! There is a lot to plan!

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