Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Taobao, the best thing in the world.

Holy cow batman! Why didn't I check this site sooner? Not only do they have great prices but they seem to have everything, from cosplay to lolita. I'm going crazy looking over this site. It all started yesterday when my fiance and I were looking for some wigs that we need for our upcoming cosplays. And oh my gosh. Its amazing how low the prices are VS buying them off sites like....Qutieland for lolita shoes. We'll be making a big order in a few weeks, cosplays wigs, shoes for cosplay/lolita and maybe a coat or cape. ;)

This of course means I'll be doing a HUGE review on everything I bought, including things I buy from different sites. I'll be listing below what we're going to buy off of taobao so you can get some ideas of what these reviews will be like.

Shoes for Caterina
Wigs for Watanuki, Sharon and Break and Abel

And maybe more. Not sure just yet. But stayed tuned because it'll be a huge review.

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