Friday, January 25, 2013

Break's Outfits

Break's outfits, manga, anime, art book, and specials.

(((((Still being updated!))))

Chapter: Two

Chapter: Closing page of chapter 4

Chapter: Inside of volume 3

"Mad Hatter" Outfit

Chapter:  Unknown chapter "aftermath" Special

(Will list the chapter as soon as possible)

Another view. Posted in chapter 13.

Chapter: PH calender

Chapter: Artbook/ manga special?.

Chapter: Calender

Also the outfit from the ball scene

Chapter: 49

Chapter: Unknown (I'm pretty sure it's in one of the front flaps of  a manga but I'm unsure right now.)

Chapter: Artbook?

Chapter: Artbook

Chapter: Calender

Chapter: Artbook

Chapter: Artbook

Chapter 28/29

chapter: Front cover volume 3 (Main outfit)

Chapter: 12

Same Mad Hatter outfit as posted above but as it is shown in the manga. Thought I'd post it because it shows his umbrella.

Chapter: 23

Break's Pandora outfit.

Chapter: Inner cover snap shot for chapter 31

I put this under Break to show his pre-Break outfit.


Chapter: End of chapter special for chp.20

Chapter: 22

His Pandora uniform with a cloak.

Chapter: 23 opening/30

Chapter: 23


Break's night clothes

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