Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hand sewing

Hand sewing is normally pretty enjoyable and relaxing for me but having to sew seven yards of lace I'm finding it very hard to keep focused. I tried using the sewing machine but it just didn't feel right and was too thick. So I turned to hand sewing it. So in total I'll have to sew fourteen yards of lace by hand. Its going to be a lot of work but I really want this petticoat to turn out how I've pictured it.

I had posted that I was going undo all the hemming I did as well as the lace but I realized if I pulled the gathering it went away so I wont be undoing all my work. I don't like this picture because of how gathered it is but I also forgot the the dress will be covering it since it will be long. A bit of a brain fart on my part.

I am however loving the lace I  chose! I wanted to get a more expensive lace but it wasn't rounded on the bottom and all the pictures show it being rounded. So right when I was going to give up I found this one and got it on sale. I've decided that I want to do two layers of lace.

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