I will post pictures later I promise. I cannot find my parent's camera and my computer no longer likes mine for some unknown reason and since my fiance is not here right now I cannot use his laptop.
We styled my fiance's new Abel wig. The issue with this wig is that it is thin and if you move it too much you can see the lacing underneath. Luckily Abel's ponytail is low, as pictured below. If I were to do a high ponytail on this wig it wouldn't have worked. The color is perfect and the wig is very soft so it sort of evens out the fact the wig is thin. After getting it brushed (I use two types of brushes.) we got it in a nice and neat ponytail and started spraying hair spray on it to keep the back nice. I also used gel on the bangs but need to work on those a bit more later.
------- Yes, my wig styling post is coming soon! I will be uploading it before con.-------------
It's a bit hard to see but his ponytail is very low. Which helps me a lot as a high ponytail wouldn't have worked with this wig.

After I was pleased with Abel's wig we moved onto styling the base wig for my Alice wig. I freaking love this wig so much. The fibers are soft and smooth. It doesn't tangle easily but when the twintails do it's easy to brush out. The color is rich with red highlights. The bangs are supposed to be in front, hanging down in between my eyes so I pinned back the sides and put on some gel which helps keep the base set. Then sprayed it down. It was super easy and looks great. I haven't tried it on yet though. It may need more styling.
Then came Yuuko's wig. I cut some off the end since it went down past my knees and I really didn't want to take care of the wig with it being that long. This wig sucks. It's very thin and easily tangled. It looks so natural though. I had already cut the bangs so I went straight to work on cutting the bottom and trying to get out some tangles. I had forgotten to try out the detangler spray so I'm going to try and comb it out later when my fiance is over to help me.
Last night we were also talking about our big project for the end of the year. I'm having so many doubts on being able to make Seth's outfit. We were talking about our other choices as we want to make something big that is eye catching and rare to enter in contests. So our top three choices are...

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