Character: Sharon Rainsworth
Series: Pandora Hearts
Debut: Kumori-con 2011
Bought/made: Bought
Awards: N/A
Retired?: Yes (Sakura-con 2013)
Sharon is a very special cosplay to me. Not only was it my very first cosplay but I really can connect with her character. The dress was ordered online and is very well made. The colors are just like those of what she wears in the manga (Manga cover picture as shown, left)
It is worn with a hoop skirt and I have added on my own personal touches, such as the gold beading on the bottom of the ribbons on the skirt.
After Kumori-con 2011 the dress had dragged on the ground and got rather dirty. I wore it all three days and once I brought it home I spent over a week scrubbing the dirt and "con dust" off the bottom of the dress. Luckily I managed to restore it like new. Since then I've hemmed the dress so it no longer drags on the floor, now it sits just above the ground.
Sharon was meant to be debuted in April for Sakura-con but the package was shipped too late due to a misunderstanding. Instead it was debuted during Kumori-con 2011.
Worst part about this cosplay: The fabric is hard to clean.
Best part of cosplaying: The character suits my personality.
Taken by:Breaking All the Rules
Character: Xerxes Break
Series: Pandora Hearts
Debut: Kumori-con 2011
Bought/made: Bought
Awards: N/A
Retired? Yes (Sakura-con 2013)
-Nicolas will write about this costume soon!-
Taken by:Breaking All the Rules
More Pictures
Kumori-con 2012

Taken by:Breaking All the Rules
Kumori-con 2012
Kumori-con 2011
Sakura-con 2013
Update: We will be making two new outfits for Sharon and Break for Sakura-con 2014!!!
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