Thursday, April 26, 2012

Future Cosplays and What's to come for Kumoricon

I can't believe it's about time to start planning for Kumori-con already! We just went to Sakura-con this month. The earlier you plan the better when it comes to cosplay. This year we really wanted to try new things. We went all out during Sakura-con but it felt like something was missing and I had grown tired of walking four blocks in my huge ball gown (Sharon from Pandora Hearts wears very big gowns)

For Kumori-con we're going to TRY and finally get our Black Butler costumes. My hubby wants to be Grell and I'll be the Undertaker. This way I'll get a break from wearing my huge dress. I'll just be trading that in for horribly tall (heeled) boots. Oh well.

So onwards to future cosplays

 Undertaker from Black Butler

(The guy in the middle)

 Dinah from Bizenghast
(Nurse Version)

Esther and Abel from Trinity Blood

Seth/Augusta from Trinity Blood (Abel's little sister)

Alice from Pandora Hearts
(Wonderland version)

Lacie from Pandora Hearts

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sakura-con, reviews and more

Sakura-con was great. I still have not gotten our pictures taken from our private shoot so once those are posted I'll be making a small post about Sakura-con and what we did. Right now we're starting on planning for Kumori-con which isn't until the fall. We're planning on buying our second cosplays. While I might be starting on my third cosplay.

Reviews to come:
  • Minkyshop (Rocking Horse shoes)
  • FM-anime (Pandora Hearts costumes)

I'll also be posting some sketches of our up-coming steampunk project. When they are done of course. :D

I also will be selling my F+F lolita dress (as shown on the review I did on my other blog) as well as my gothic lolita wig, wig. The money is going straight to my Undertaker cosplay. The dress doesn't fit. I've lost weight so I might as well as sell it to someone who can give it love and wear it as often as they can.