As I've mentioned before, I am firmly going to make Seth from Trinity Blood. This is one of my dream cosplays! And I cannot explain how excited I am to be finally cosplaying her. I am almost 100% sure this will be the outfit I will be making. And as you can see, it's going to take a lot of work. That's why I'm giving myself the whole year to work on it. I do wish however that it will be done for Kumori-con in the late summer. If not it will have it's debut at Sakura-con 2015.
I will be re-using the same pattern I am using now for Alice for the base dress. The sleeves and petticoat will all be using other patterns or patterns that I will be making. The armor, of course will be craft foam. And yes, I do plan on making the large golden "wings" she has on. If I am unable to come up with a stable way of making them, I will instead make her crusnik wings.
And big drum roll....
My fiance has decided on a character! And that character who will be joining our TB group (Our friend is making Ion for our Sakura-con group.) Will be...
Suleyman! The other night I gathered a bunch of male characters from TB, since he said he's more than willing to do another TB cosplay (THANK YOU DEAR!) but wasn't really sure if he wanted to do another version of Abel since we all were being different characters and he wanted to be a new one too. So he took a look through all the pictures and became stuck on three choices. Cain, Suleyman and Radu. He said he does want to do Cain int he future but for now wasn't sure if he felt like cosplaying him and already crossed out Ion since he feels he's too weak of a character or a girly boy as I put it for him. Lol. So he decided on Suleyman since not many males have cosplayed him and none have ever been to Sakura-con. He has a very interesting look and my fiance really liked the outfit as well since it is much different from what he has worn before. Plus we can re-use Oz's white pants for this cosplay.
So we have three characters from TB all from the Empire. I think we may have a winning shot at the contest now. We all will have props (Not sure about Ion. That's up to her.) Suleyman will have his uniform hat and ring that I hope my dad can make light up for a special effect (S-con sure does love their LED lights!!) Seth will either have the golden wings or her crusnik wings and her tuning forks which I am super pumped about making.
So, for those who have not heard of TB or have but don't know much about these characters (All of which we are basing off of the manga. The anime was horrid. Which is just another reason I normally only read the manga and ignore the anime.) here is a bit about each character that will be in our group, starting with the powerful and mysterious, Empress Augusta.
Seth (Augusta Vradica.) is a powerful character. When I first saw her in the anime I wasn't liking how they drew her as this weak little child. She looked horrible and sounded worse. In the manga she is sassy and mysterious. She is seen popping up randomly, always there in a way, protecting Esther and Ion through their journey. She rules the New Human Empire. And is highly respected among the Methuselah she rules over.
She may appear childlike but has a hidden power. She is the third child of the Nightlords and is Cain and Abel's younger sister. Putting her ten year behind the twins. She is close to Abel, who she asks to join her living in the Empire "As brother and sister." You can tell there is a hidden sadness within her at time but she always puts on a smile and encourages others to do so too.
There was something that I connected with right off the bat when I first saw her in the manga, even in the anime I admired her. That love I feel for her will be my pushing force behind getting her outfit done. I'm sure there will be no other moment like the one I will feel when I first walk out of the hotel as Seth. I cannot wait.
- Details on dress and hat
- Armor pieces (I'm used to working with small ones. There is tutorial online luckily.)
- Hat (Base will be craft foam, thank goodness there is a tutorial online for this hat.)
- Shoes (First time I will be making shoe covers.)
- Giant props

Suleyman is the third highest ranking royal in the New Human Empire and is the Duke of Tigris. He and Asthatoshe have known each other since they were young. He is a well respected war hero and is a deputy of the Imperial Secret Council. But was used by the Rosenkreuz Orden (led by Cain.) and was killed by Astha as he stood before the Empress, threatening her life.
He has mentioned that he has lived in the Empire for over three hundreds years, making him very old for a Metuselah, as mentioned in the manga.
When he betrays Seth she offers him nothing but comfort as he lays dying in her lap. I always thought that scene was so beautiful.
- Styling his wig
- Making the props (I will be making the ring.)
- His hat
I won't be posting about Ion as I have no idea what my friend is planning for him. She has her plate full, cosplay wise right now and is also holding off Ion until later. I can say Trinity Blood is an amazing manga. One of a kind. I have read some of the original novels. This series is one of kind. It's for just about anyone as it has fighting and gore, hints at romances and romantic feelings, War, Supernaturals, Royals, Revenge and betrayal, hints at steampunk technology. It is well detailed (One of the best I've ever seen.) but sadly no longer sold in the states. And the artist is always pushing it to the side to work on their other manga. The real creator of TB sadly died at a very young age. I can feel his love for this story, these characters whenever I read the novels. It's a powerful story line.
You can read more about the manga and it's crew in the links below.
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