I just got an email telling me someone dropped out and that we are in the contest! Our Trinity Blood cosplays will be judged in the cosplay costume contest at Sakura-con. It'll be our first cosplay contest and we're very excited. I feel that all my hard work will be paid off because of this. It'll be fun as hell and I can't wait.
I've been working hard at improving myself and my sewing. And I'm learning a lot! I used to leave messed up seams alone but now I tear them out and start over. Improving and learning is the best part about sewing. I feel great when I can step back and just stare at what I had just completed. I'm becoming picky about little things but that's okay.
This con will be awesome. Maybe the best so far! Especially if I get that job I interviewed for the other day. That would be awesome!
The dress is in one piece! I tucked the hem up. It wont look this way but it'll give an idea of how the dress will be hemmed up so the lace peeks out.
The collar is still being worked on. So it looks slightly strange right now. Once it has the trim on it and is finished (With interfacing) it will look so much better.
I'm very eager to start the detail work on it. I have the red fabric for the crosses and gold trim for those. I need to buy more black trim.
The fabric has a soft sheen to it. I feel in love with it when I found it. The lace on the sleeves was my idea and personal touch which I try to add to each cosplay I own. (Sharon-beading. Yuuko-Corset obi)
I was nervous about trying this on but it wound up being a bit too big! I'm so happy I lost weight. This dress will be super comfortable to wear around the con. I think it might be the most comfortable. So I may wind up wearing wearing it more than the others.
Left to do:
~Hem the collar
~Finish the back of the collar
~Hem the bottom of the dress
~Sew in an extra panel for the velcro on the back of the dress
~Sew on button on Abel's sleeves (Armor plates too)
~Sew the massive amount of buttons onto the dress
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