Friday, July 6, 2012

Goals for Kumori-con

1.Lose ten-twenty pounds

Losing weight is very important for me right now. No ladies I'm not about to complain about my pant size. I'm having health issues and am feeling bad in my body. I'm not doing it to be skinny or to wear the latest jeans. Although it'll make me very happy to see the sleeves on my Sharon gown baggy.

My plan (Eating a healthy diet. No added sugar/salt. NO SWEETS) is
5.min of jumping on the mini trampoline
5.min of cardio (I have a awesome free app on my Kindle Fire for this)
5.min of toning yoga. (Yes, yoga does help you lose weight.)
 Walking three times a week. Running/jogging twice. 

2.Practice my photography.

I've been getting back into photography and want to start taking photo shoots at cons. So I really need to show what I  got and learn the in and out of my camera. Although it's not the best it's what I have and I need to learn how to use it better.

3. Get a job

Two years of searching has gotten me no where. Maybe I'll be lucky and find one before the con. I have a wedding to plan after all. We're hoping to get married next year on April 27th, our seventh year together.

5. 50k

I badly need to catch up on my writing. Its my dream of getting published I have to really work on focusing on it. I'm having health issues right now but hopefully afterwards I can focus back on my writing. If I have to bring work with me to K-con so be it. I really need to get it done. Luckily my word count goal is only 70K. I think I'll be able to do it now that I've switched up the plot a bit.

 Goals make those three days of con time even better, especially if you've been able to complete them all. I didn't add any cosplay goals to this because with losing weight I'll be busy enough. My only real cosplay goal right now is finish my props.

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