Sunday, April 10, 2016

2017-18 ideas + giveaway

Hey everyone, I need your help! You may have noticed the album I posted last night full of characters I plan on cosplaying. Yes, whichever I chose will be made very slowly over a period of 6 months to a year. I did this back when I made Seth and Abel and they turned out much better than my recent projects. This time around I want something with lots of details and beading. Nicolas already has chosen his own cosplay which is not from the same series as any of the girls I listed.

He'll be making his cosplay by himself (with a little help from me when it comes to sewing.) but you can read about that on our facebook. This blog post is about the characters I've chosen and more about each outfit. I may even do a contest to help pull in some suggestions.

These cosplays would not be done for Kumori-con 2016. Instead I'll be aiming towards Sakura-con 2017. You can find my list of pros and cons on each picture in our facebook album.

Idea #1 Serenity- Sailor Moon

Serenity is a very popular character to cosplay right now due to the remake of the anime. This outfit I'm afraid might be too simple for a contest but it would be easy to wear with a baby with us.

This gown would have lots of beading and room for creative freedom. Everyone makes this gown differently and I would too. 

If I wind up making this one, I would also make Ozma, since both would be fairly simple to make.

Idea #2 Ozma- Return to Oz 

Ozma! Oh, how I've been dying to make this ever since I've started sewing. She's my childhood favorite character (beside Sailor Moon.) 

I already have some beads for this project and am going back to the same store later next month so I might just end up buying more for Ozma.

Ozma wouldn't be known at anime cons (Sakura and Kumori.) instead I'd wear her to comic cons in the areas. 

The dress itself wouldn't be hard to create, it would be more trouble finding the correct colors. Seeing as this dress was originally made in 1895. So the tinsel may have to be replaced with feathers and flowers. 

Would be easy to wear and carry a baby around in.

Idea #3 Anastasia by Hannah Alexander 

Anastasia is (again) another childhood favorite character. Instead I've been so obsessed with her I've become obsessed with the real Anastasia. I'm a bit of a Romanov history nerd really. 

This version really spoke to me as it has a lot more historically correct features on it than the gown from the 1997 movie. 

This dress reminds me of Anastasia's older sisters' dresses. I've always wanted to create a historically correct gown so I think this is a good starting point. 

There are some downsides, such as the colors of the gown and the ombre but the pros over shine the bad. There would be a lot of new challenges.

Idea #4 Mary- Trinity Blood

Mary is Esther's older half sister. She's the evil character I've been dying to cosplay. But this one would not be easy to move in so it would be only for a contest and photoshoot, sadly.

Although I love the details I'm not sure how my body will change after I have my baby so this one might be out of the question for now.

Idea #5 Yuko- XXXHolic

I've been eyeing this outfit for a long while. It would have so much creative freedom its very tempting but it also has some challenges that might be too time consuming while taking care of a newborn. 

Plus it is hard to have heavy and large items on my head due a injury. So I may (again) have to rethink this one at this point and time.

Idea #6 Astharoshe Asran- Trinity Blood

When I first started thinking about which characters I would want to cosplay, the idea of remaking Seth came to mind. However its nearly impossible for me to wear her hat now. I had to chose between Mirka and Astharoshe. Ashe has been a character I've wanted to cosplay for a while but now I feel I can actually create this dress. 

Although Trinity Blood isn't cosplayed much anymore, this character would be known. Plus it would be super easy to walk around in. 

Did I mention all the beading? ;)

As of right now I'm leaning towards (in no order)


What do you guys think? What would you like to see being made? For this project I'll be doing videos and tutorials.  If I don't get much of a response I most likely will not be doing a giveaway for this.

Note: The giveaway will only be for people who have liked and commented on their choice (plus have given a reason why) on our facebook page ONLY. It will be a contest aimed only towards our page, not on our blog. 

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